The all new ‘Too Fish’ in Japan – Rob Machado’s 20 year Journey to the Perfect Fish
It is extremely fast and is very trustworthy in steep surf. It likes the pocket a lot more and has much more bite in it than a Seaside. Works great at your true shortboard liters, largely due the wider tail. It also paddles a little better than the Seaside.
In sizing up (2-4L above your ‘normal’), it may be the best board in our offering. The sweet spot is bigger and less critical, you can surf forward on it easily, it generates great speed down the line, but with great control and the rail still engages well. It was found to be more trustworthy in steeper sections that the Seaside and is an ideal board (rivaling/ even beating out the Sweet Potato, SUN and SAB) for a board with glide that has more performance.
Available Now!