The Pisces by …Lost Surfboards. PISCES: Latin for “Fishes” Born from the element of water, Oldest of the Zodiac signs. Change is constant, Evolution is everywhere, And everything must evolve. To remain static is to die, In life… and in design.
For three years, we’ve celebrated a quarter century of the#RoundNoseFish’96. In those years, we’ve built thousands of them. Many of them custom ordered, designed, and shaped with specific dims and details. Considering it’s based on a 25-year-old design, it’s impossible not to want to adapt, adjust, and fine-tune the curves along the way. For friends, team riders, myself, we did just that. A tuck here and a nip there. A little more curve and a little less bulk. Blend the rocker, scoop the concave, and refine the rails. A bit shorter, a bit wider, and so on…Adding multi-fin set-ups and a wing, back into the fray. All the time, looking for more speed, more quickness, more precision, and more fun. Over time, an almost completely new species of fish evolved. A new species of PISCES.