Jan. 30 2011 – dawn patrol!
What a morning…
One Fateful Morning at the Ponce Inlet Jetties yielded a creeped out bande á part of surf slash mongrels having too much fun. Gaze out and think about those lost summery days all across this frigid globe with post-ed up globabble warming weird trends. Stay Safe and Warm
Surfers • Chad Doyle , Ricky Pasternak , Robert Stafford , Chris Tincher , Johnny Lewis , Trey Edwards
Camera • Drew Miller
Edit • Drew Miller
Music: ariel pink’s haunted graffiti
Some videos just need to be seen. Props to DBLR for showing me this a few weeks ago.
..And does a pretty good job doing so..
Ripping on a new Cheesestick and a Quad version of the MTF! 24 Hours w/ Yadin Nicol from Paul Fisher on Vimeo.
Amidst yet another cold, dreary, pretty much flat North Florida winter I’ve done my best to stay in the Caribbean and out of the cold. I’ve just returned from a…
We had our lovely friend Addie come into the GND to take some ohhhh so cute pics with our new Spring clothing that is arriving at the shop. Here is…
This is some footage I took back in the fall. Ross and Matt edited a cut here. Interesting to see the different perspectives, from the guys who actually experienced the…