Your Next Groveler Fin Set: FCS II MR PC XL Tri Fin Set
I’ll be the first to admit: I may be a little addicted to surfing “fun boards”. I’m enthralled with alternative surf craft and retro shapes, and I’m constantly on the lookout for something looser, faster, or something with more glide. Because of these preferences, a pretty large portion of my quiver is made up of either twin fins or single fins. Simply put, I’m not a thruster kind of girl.
The FCS II MR PC XL Tri Fin Set may have changed my mind completely. This 2+1 fin set is modeled after the iconic Mark Richard’s twin model, with the addition of a small stabilizer fin. In other words, this set is the best of both worlds. For a surfer that’s addicted to their beloved twin fin but is in search of more control, the FCS II MR PC Tri Set Fins can do just that.
I would recommend trying out this fin set in your favorite Florida groveler, whether it’s a fish or just a small wave board with a little bit more volume to get you through our infamous flat spells. The low sweep in the large twin fins allow for your board to pivot and release off of the top easily, while also providing hold and drive through those long, arching turns that a retro or round nose fish will want to draw. This small addition gives you more control in the water, without sacrificing that free, fast feeling of a classic twin fin that you know and love.