Dear Surf Station,
Thank you for all you guys do in our community. I fell in love with the surf station from the first time I walked through the door back in 2010. I had a strong desire to be a surfer but had very minimal time in the water learning. I purchased my first surfboard from another surf shop but was not pleased with the quality of the board. It was several years later (2010) that my wife bought me my first Channel Island board, from your shop, for our anniversary which was an epoxy Flyer 2 that was dark blue on the deck and It was my pride and joy for years. Two years later (2012) she purchased two CI boards for me, Dumpster diver and the neck beard. I later traded my dumpster diver for a DFR. I also picked up a epoxy quad fin fish from your surf station 2 location. I didn’t have that fish for long before I traded it to get a surf station long board for my wife. Long story short I will only purchased boards through your surf shop. Surf station has always helped me when I wanted to buy quality surf boards and in need of expert advice. Surf station will always be my choice for a surf shop.
I feel honored to receive a free surfboard from the surf station, I will never forget this. I am also humbled and honored to have so many people nominate me for this giveaway contest. Thank you thank you for the way you are expressing appreciation for medical providers and first responders who sacrifice for their fellow man. I have been a nurse for less than 2 years and feel like my only regret is not becoming a nurse sooner, it is a very rewarding career.
I’d like to stop by the surf station in the morning on my way to work to talk with Josh about the board and maybe create a photo-op with me in my scrubs and with my family and I can express my appreciation in person. Thank you all for a dream come true.
Aaron Haire