After a totally perfect day of logging and feasting with friends, the option to go for glut…a second helping of well formed glass lines presented itself. I had attempted to film earlier in the day but took the dying battery as a sign to simply participate rather than observe and record. The result was a really content, blissed out and physically exhausted version of myself who was all too ready to sit out this late afternoon session and set up the ole tripod.
Only a few humans were out. Jacob, Daniel Signor and Matt Foote, some other unidentified sliders and adorable gromettes. All were making the spectating a joy. There were innumerable nose rides and Matt added his usual flair, the aquatic manifestation of his ever impressive and smile inducing dancing skills. The light was changing pretty quickly, so I structured these clips based on the different colors and light levels that went on. Enjoy!
Logarhythms from Rachel Bardin on Vimeo.