Jason Baffa’s (Single Fin Yellow, One California Day) latest film Bella Vita, a 35mm feature on Italian surf culture through the eyes of Chris Del Moro and friends. Our own team rider and friend Lauren Hill is in the film, as well as Dave Rastovich, Conner and Parker Coffin, Leonardo Fioravanti, Alessandro Ponzanelli and more. Trailer below.
BELLA VITA FILM from Bella Vita Film on Vimeo.
Uncharted Waters: The Personal History of Wayne Lynch is a portrait the Australian legend. Preview below.
Uncharted Waters – The Personal History of Wayne Lynch from Patagonia on Vimeo.
Strange Rumblings In Shangri La, by Globe staring: Damien Hobgood, CJ Hobgood, Taj Burrow, Yadin Nicol. Dion Agius and more. Strange Rumblings in Shangri La is a mix of high performance surfing and stunning cinematography that documents our unforgettable worldwide journey in search of surfing’s own holy grail. From the frigid waters of Iceland to the tropical beauty of Mozambique. From dreamy French beach breaks to exotic islands off the coast of Brazil, and into deepest Indonesia.
Wet Dreams is a super 8 film by Tasuo Takei featuring Tyler Warren.