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Comments: Not looking bad at all... there are some fun waves at times!
Continued surf past dark with waves waist to chest high with some larger set waves. A slight clean up as the choppy waves become less so as the sidsehorish wind continues to lightens up. Offshore in the morning?
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Quote Of The Day
Yesterday's Quote of the Day
“Once every couple of years and only lasts hours”
~ said on our instagram when we posted this photo of the waves down south last night.
Classic Quote of the Month
“I have never seen snow and do not know what winter means.”
About Our Quotes
The Surf Station's Quote of the Day is new quote each day that relates to the world we live in, each day. Priority is given to worldwide and local surfing, although any subject from any person or era may be published. Submit your original quote by sending an email to
Thursday, February 8th
9:05 am: Early morning photos are up and posted in box #1 and on second look there is more size than on the first look. Some over chest high waves on sets at times. Some cross chop to it as the wind is still not cooperating. Loosk like waves all day again today, as there is plenty of swell on the buoys offshore…
Reporter: Darby
1:00 pm: It’s looking a little bit cleaner than it has the past few days, with our local winds currently blowing out of the N @ 12 knots, as opposed to the very strong onshore winds we’ve seen the last few days. The waves are in the 3 to maybe even 4 foot range, with some improving conditions. The waves are in the chest plus range, with not too many people on it at report time, but it looks like things are improving overall. It looks like the wind is going to lighten and improve through tomorrow, so we will definitely want to keep an eye out while there’s still plenty of swell on the buoy.
7:40 pm: New evening photos are up and posted in box #3 and you can see we have continued size on this Thursday evening. The waves are trying to clean up! Still crossed up some, but some thumpers pushing through! And we could have offshore winds in the morning which would continue to clean up the swell.
We will be back in the monring to report what we see.. over and out.. .
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