I’ve been wanting to do a motorcycle skate trip for some time now. Over the course of time, you tend to meet like minded people and you share your ideas likes. A few months ago, I was talking to my friend Ryan about motorcycles and trips he’d been on. One conversation lead to another and the dates were picked to set out on our own adventure to ride and skate the various back roads and infamous skate parks across North Florida. With a couple calls, we locked in a couple more friends down for the cause.
Day 1, we met at Skatepark of Tampa, shortly greeted one another, and got on it to High Springs, FL. After a great couple hours riding, we set up camp in Ginnie Springs. A quick swim in the springs, we were refreshed and ready to skate. We rode 20 miles into Gainesville to skate the indoor park. if you’re there, check it out.
Day 2, we tore through backroads with minimal traffic and headed to Jacksonville to skate the Monument park to only be greeted by 15 kids nearly colliding with each other every run. Bikes roared in, and the crash coarse subsided to let in some old man grinds and Aaron’s ridiculous nose blunt up the hubba ledge. From there we headed to Faver Dykes state park to set up camp and relax before a night mission to Treaty Park. An hour later, the lights shut off and it was time to get the fire going and share a few brews and laughs.
Day 3, we woke up to be greeted by the park ranger, thinking were in trouble for having beers sitting around the campsite, but only to find that he was a true bike enthusiast. We headed to Daytona Park and came upon it empty. By this point, our bodies felt worn, but we pushed through it and managed to get ol legs working for one last skate before the dreaded ride back across Florida. Aaron’s bike wasn’t running complete, so opted for back roads. Aaron was also running a sporty tank on a four cylinder bike, which only gave him a range of 65-70 miles per stretch. What happens when there are long stretches without a gas station in site? Pull your gas line and help a brother out in hopes there is one around the corner. Long story short, we made it back safe and sound. Thanks to all the rad diners and friends we met along the way. I’m looking forward to the next ride this Fall.