A chat with Kelly
Pretty funny little vid.
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5uz_SNrLmE CLICK HERE to view The Rookie surfboard online!
Been a while since I posted… enjoy this flick from Dane! Seen Unseen – The best of Marine Layer from STAB on Vimeo.
Looking fun… sweet and tender hooligan from Marine Layer on Vimeo.
moments of dd from Tanner Gudauskas on Vimeo.
From Left to Right: 6′0″ x 18 5/8″ x 2 5/16″ Squash Tail 6′1″ x 18 5/8″ x 2 5/16″ Proton squash tail nicknamed “hit and run” 6′1″ x 18…
I like these little guys! NSSA Nationals from youngwisetails on Vimeo.