Bending Colours Extras
Jordy Smith in and around Cape Town South Africa during the filming of his signature movie, Bending Colours..
Jordy Smith in and around Cape Town South Africa during the filming of his signature movie, Bending Colours..
Every Florida surfers first surf trip. costa Ez from michael lopez on Vimeo.
Hadn’t seen much from him in a while so I thought I’d post this.
Never heard of him but he’s Peruvian and he’s ripping on a 5’8″ DFR and Rookie…
Well Since I’ll be entering the corporate world on July 9th I decided to take a run down to the ole stomping grounds of Hermosa Costa Rica this coming week.…
Gabe Kling discusses his current go-to small wave shortboard, the Rookie from Channel Islands.
With Balaram Stack and CJ Hobgood, surfing the rare Caribbean side and lucking into the slab called Salsa Brava.. one of Tory’s favorite waves!
Nat Young going nuts up in chilly Santa Cruz!
The Dunph gettin’ gnarly in Oz..!