Adam Morley has dedicated a lot of his time to sharing his love of nature and also cleaning it up. Adam, along with his wife Janine, started AnJ Recycling which the Surf Station proudly uses for our recycling needs. AnJ services businesses and apartment complexes in Saint Augustine that are not eligible for city recycling. Thoroughly committed to the environment, Adam also is a guide for the Eco Tours.
As you may already know, human created trash has been collecting in our oceans in circular current zones called gyres. Most famous of these is the Great Pacific garbage patch. Adam has entered a competition to join a research expedition lead by the group 5 Gyres. 5 Gyres is “dedicated to understanding plastic marine pollution through exploration, education, and action.” Adam is an excellent candidate for this mission. Not only will he be a great and knowledgeable crew member, but he will surely bring what he learns back to our community to everyone’s benefit.
Please take a moment to view Adam’s video, learn about the issues of plastic pollution and vote if you feel so inclined. You can vote once per 24 hours until Earth Day, April 22nd.