After dropping a massive 9.33 with a full rotation air reverse, Zeke Lau gets his second HIC Pro win, and some much needed QS points. He is now sitting comfortably in 9th position on the QS rankings…
“I was coming into this event with the goal to win and get that 3,000 points and put me that much closer to requalification,” commented Lau. “I had a little bit of a rough year on tour, I’ve had moments where I had good performances but a lot of it was just a learning curve for me and getting used to everything, so I really want to be there next year to get a better grasp of it and hopefully take some bigger guys down.”
“I was kind of roaming a little bit in the beginning just trying to make something happen and then once he (Wade Carmichael) got his big score I was like alright, it’s time to go big, so I started launching,” said Lau. “I was super pumped, I kind of just Hail Mary-ied it and threw it up. I knew the wind was good for it. I’ve never done an air on this board, this is the first day I’m even riding it so for everything to just come together like that I was super stoked, I was pretty pumped paddling back out.”
6’2″ – 6’6″ x 18 7/8 x 2 3/8 Round Pin / Black & White mods
Photos and Interview courtesy of WSL/FREESURF MAG